From Friday, Feb. 28 to Monday, March 3, use the coupon on all gear throughout the store. The coupon is valid in-store only and should be shown at the register during checkout.
Whether you're a youth starting at age 12 (boys and girls welcome) or an adult looking to get involved, we’d love to have you join the team.
Please take some time to review the Code of Conduct each Little League family agreed to upon enrollment. Thank you.
Buckeye (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Buckeye Field (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Chaney Field (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Burton Valley Elementary (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Ben Pahnke (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Front Grass - BVE (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Upper A/B Field - BVE (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Upper Back BVE - Instructional (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Community Park Fields (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Lower Comm (A/B) (07:52 PM | 02/21/25)
Upper Comm (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Happy Valley Elementary School (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Happy Valley (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Lafayette Elementary (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Lafayette Elementary Field (08:19 AM | 03/02/25)
Springhill Elementary (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)
Springhill (07:00 AM | 03/03/25)