Player Eligibility
Player eligibility is based on two factors; the player's league age and the player's residency, based on the geographic boundaries that encompass our league. Below is information for you to be able to determine if your son or daughter is eligible to play in Lafayette Little League.
League AgeThis table provides information on how to determine if your son or daughter is eligible to play in Lafayette Little League based on their age. Children between league ages 6 and 14 are eligible to play in LLL.
Each division of the league has specific ages associated with it. The division that any player ends up playing in is based on age and or being drafted based on his or her abilities. The following displays the different divisions and the criteria for players being placed there.
- Advanced Baseball: 13-14 year olds
- Majors: 12 year olds: 10-11 year olds – drafted based on ability
- AAA: 9-11 year olds: drafted based on ability
- AA: 8-10 year olds -drafted based on ability
- Farm: 7-9 year olds - age based and experience based
- Instructional: 6-7 year olds - age based
- Challenger: 4-18 y.o.* with physical and/or educational challenges or up to age 22 if still enrolled in school
Residency EligibilityFor a player to be eligible they must live within the physical boundaries of our league. On evaluation day, all players will be required to show proof of residence within the LLL boundaries in order to be eligible to play in our league. The following are acceptable residency verification documents:
A driver's license with an address within the LLL boundaries and two of the following are required:
1) A PG&E, Water or Phone Bill
2) A current tax bill or rental agreement
3) Internet, Cable or Satellite Invoice
4) Vehicle DMV registration
5) School record with child's address
The residence address on these documents must lie within the boundaries depicted on the map below in order for your player to be eligible to play in Lafayette Little League (map updated May 2012).