Player Evaluations
All players who are Little League ages 8-12 that would like to considered for AA, AAA, or Majors Divisions must be evaluated before the season begins. For players who would like to remain in the Farm or Instructional Divisions (ages 5-8 only), evaluations are NOT required. Evaluations are held in 30 minute increments over a two day period, usually in groups of 12-14 players, divided by age group.
**Parents must register for evaluation slots in advance.
**There will be blocks of time available for each age group on both days of evaluations.
**Players need only attend one session on one day.
**Players should bring a baseball glove, cleats (or tennis shoes if indoors), a bat and a helmet. Balls (only) will be provided.
**Evaluations are generally held at Buckeye Fields (711 St. Mary's Road) in late January. In the event of rain, the evaluations will be moved to the Multipurpose Room at Stanley Middle School.
In order to ensure balanced competition in our league, player drafts are conducted for Majors, AAA, and AA Divisions.
Majors - In the Majors Division, all 12 year olds, returning Majors players, and Managers’ kids are guaranteed a spot in the division. 10 and 11 year olds are then drafted based on ability to fill the remaining spots in the Division.
AAA - In the AAA Division, all 11 year olds and returning players not drafted in Majors are guaranteed a spot. 9 and 10 year olds are then selected based on ability.
AA - For the AA Division, returning AA players not drafted in Majors or AAA and 10 year olds not drafted in Majors or AAA are guaranteed a spot. Remaining 8 and 9 year olds not drafted into Majors or AAA are selected based on ability.
Farm - All 8 year olds not drafted into the AA division will be placed on a Farm team. 7 year olds with experience are guarantted a spot. 6 year olds are NOT eligible to play in the Farm division.